In project 6 I had to make a loop using Sytrus and I had to make a volume envelope, a LFO envelope, a pitch envelope, a resonance envelope, and a key mapping envelope. The main pattern (pattern one) is Sytrus with a volume env, a pitch env, a resonance env, and a LFO env. The first pattern has a techno type sound to it and plays throughout the loop. The second pattern is FPC Ambient Groove 3, its kinda fast paste but still works with the loop and sound good. The third pattern is FPC Break beat still fast but it doesn't stay on this pattern for to long, it switches back to the second pattern then back to the third, then back to the second, then back to third, then back to second. The fourth pattern is my Base of the loop. Its the default Sytrus with frequency ratio 1.0000x, which makes the Sytrus sound more like a base than a piano or flute. In my opinion this is a great loop and sounds awesome, but why don't you take a listen and tell me what you think.
This was a difficult project and you did well with the design of your synths. I would liked to have heard more of the synths you designed incorporated into the final mix.